Most of us know why growing your own veggies is a good idea: food thats pesticide-free, easy to access and doesnt require a hipster organic grocery budget. The joy of nurturing your own food from seeds (or seedlings if youre less patient) is heightened every time you pick a herb or some lettuce to add to your meals.

But what about city-dwellers with no space for garden beds? Apartment residents six storeys above ground… Townhouses with no backyards… Dual occupancies with only a shared wall… Instead of looking down, consider all the available wall space. This is where the often-overlooked vertical garden can open up a world of veggie growing delight. In particular, our revolutionary Vicinity Greenwall system is the only greenwall that offers a robust environment to keep plants thriving with minimal maintenance even in harsh conditions.

With Vicinity Greenwall, a thriving 40-pot urban kitchen garden can be created in just one square metre of wall space. You can halve that amount of space by planting a 20-pot garden wall. These tiny veggie plots turn any household into an urban farm. Clients who think they dont have room for a veggie patch will be pleasantly surprised to learn they can. As the easiest and fastest greenwall system to install, Vicinity Greenwall is a sure-fire way to satisfy every type of client.

Connect the simple irrigation system to a nearby water outlet and youre set up for a fruitful season of fresh, healthy produce. For busy lifestyles, a timer can be fitted to the tap to ensure plants are watered thoroughly. Adding tanks to Vicinity Greenwall creates a fully self-contained system that recycles water and fertiliser through the garden. With this configuration, apartment balconies are easily turned into a food gardens.

This mini Vicinity Greenwall configuration opens up a whole new category of potential clients for landscaping professionals. A kitchen garden can fit neatly into a small courtyard, narrow easement or rooftop terrace, or beautify a dreary fence. Now every small space can be productive and anyone can enjoy the satisfaction of growing and eating their own food.